“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
Matthew 29:19-20
Local Ministries
We're proud to partner with these local missions partners as we serve, love, and embrace our community:
Global Ministries
Jonathan and Heidi Bamford
Serving in the Philippines with Ethnos 360
Email: jonathan_bamford@ntm.org
Joel and Bailey Easling
Serving the Pacific Northwest with AWANA
Email: joele@awana.org
Joel and Leila Goldberg
Jim and Heather Higley
Serving global missions with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Email: jim_higley@sil.org
The Hat People
Due to the sensitive nature of their location, we can only say they are serving in Asia
Greg and Kathleen Parsons
Serving global missions with Frontier Ventures
Richard and Wendy Yancey
Serving in Germany at the Black Forest Academy with Pioneers
Email: yancey024@gmail.com
Facebook: Yanceys in Europe
Sister C
Due to the sensitive nature of their location, we can only say they are serving in North Africa.